Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012


OoHI sobat and semua English lovers. Ini hari saya mau sedikit yg saya pernah baca mengenai penggunaan article(kata sandang) the/a/an dengan countable dan uncountable nouns. Ini adalah sambungan dari postingan terdahulu tentang article

Perhatikan kalimat A da
n B dibawah ini. Anda akan tahu mengapa B benar dan A salah.

1A This ring is made of a platinum. (salah)
1B This ring is made of platinum. (Benar)
2A Grandma gave me brass candlestick.
2B Grandma gave me a brass candlestick.
3A Money on the table is yours.
3B The money on the table is yours.

1. a/an + countable nouns. (Benar)
A/An + uncountable nouns. (Salah)
I do not take sugar in my tea.
He buys gold as a form of investment.

Uncountable nouns (kata benda yg tidak bisa dihitung satu per satu) tidak mempunyai bentuk jamak
Sugar.                            V
Five sugars.                   X
Five packets of sugar.   V
ket: V ( benar)
X ( salah)
Dalam frasa terakhir yang jamak adalah packets bukan sugar nya.
Dibwah ini adalah contoh uncountable nouns:

A) barely, vinegar (food)
B) cholera, influenza (illness)
C) platinum, steel (metals)
D) gratitude, unemployment ( feelings, situations)
E) equipment, furniture (things)

Pengecualian:  a fever ; a cold

2.  Kita menggunakan a atau an dalam kalimat dengan cara~cara di bawah ini:
A) a/an + countable noun + of + uncountable noun
The divers found a pot of gold in the sunken merchant ship.
B) a/an + uncountable yang digunakan sebagai adjective + countable noun

Dad gave Mum a gold bracelet for her birthday.

3. Kita menggunakan the dengan uncountable nouns jika hal/ benda yg sedang dibicarakan/dirujuk sudah jelas dan diketahui oleh si lawan bicara/pembaca. The tidak digunakan dengan uncountable nouns apabila kita berbicara tentang suatu benda secara umun.
Money cannot buy happiness.

The money in my wallet will be enough.

Traffic is heavier during the morning rush our. (GENERAL STATEMENT: PERNYATAAN UMUN)

The traffic along Sudirmman Road is very heavy today.

Circle the correct articles or - (no article) to complete the passage.

Sukiyaki 1 (a/an) Japanese dish of (the/ -) beef, 3 ( a/-) tofu, 4 (the/-)mushrooms and 5 ( the / - ) vegetables. 6 (The/ - ) beef is sliced before cooking. Sukiyaki is cooked in 7 ( a/an/ -) iron pot over 8 (a /the / - ) charcoal fire. 9 (A/-) soya sauce and 10 (the / -) sugar are used to give it flavour.


Tick the correct sentences.

1. There was an epidemic in this town some years ago.
2. There is a unity among the people in this neighbourhood.
3. The children sat around table and had their lunch.
4. There is a cooperation between the manager and his workers.
5. He realised the importance of exercising regularly after his illness.
6. She bought silver cutlery set from King's Department Store.
7. I need kilo of flour for this chocolate cake recipe.
8. Leela gave me some advice on how to study effectively and it was sound.
9. Look! That child is in danger of being swept away by the river.
10. Everyone laughed when they heard what the little girl said.

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